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Autumn Newsletter 2024


Welcome to the Autumn Finches Lane's Newsletter


Thank you so much for being here and for all your support.

I really do appreciate you.


Hello Hello Dear Friends,

This newsletter is a chance for us to have a catch up and for me to let you know what’s been happening over here at the Finches Lane Studio!


All the colours on my walks are turning from greens to oranges and browns, and the days are cooler and shorter. I blinked and September vanished and we find ourselves in October.

I always used to feel sad when the Summer months had finished but I now have a list of things to do in the Autumn months which I have placed on my calendar to appear every year on the 21st day of September and it makes me chuckle every time!

Here is a list of a few of them (Some are random)

  • buy autumn flowers

  • plan an Octoberfest dinner

  • cook with some apples (anyone got a good apple cake recipe?)

  • sing Earth Wind and Fire - 21st night of September

  • look for new soup recipe

  • plan dog beach days

  • buy some bulbs to plant and forget about

  • look for fungi and slime mould

  • eat autumn raspberries

What would you have on your list that I can add to mine?

blue sky and golden brown tree in foreground
The beech tree near my house

Autumn orange berries on a twig with green leaves
Pyracantha - I think?

The beginning of this Autumn was busy with new patterns and a new T Shirt design inspired by the Agapanthus flower. I found out that the word Agapanthus comes from two greek words for love and flower. Agape and Antho - isn't that fabulous. Also you can be obsessed with flowers and have Anthomania - I will make a T shirt with that on soon - tee hee.

two indigo flower heads with white silhouettes in the background
Agapanthus - Agape + Antho

lady with blonde hair wearing a light blue sweatshirt smiling - the design on the front is the agapanthus flower heads
Agapanthus Sweat Shirt

Have a look and see what you think of the new design at the Teemill website.



Now for the Finches Lane news:

A hand drawn digital image of 11 different garden flowers in pink, purple and blue with Holly hives at the rear and peonies, lavender and daisies at the front
Cottage garden flowerbed

The Cottage Garden design I showed you last time I've put on Calendar T Towel in a competition. They hold two or three competitions a month so it's fun to enter some of them. If you are ever on the Spoonflower website - click Artist Corner>Design challenges and have a look at the amazing work. You can vote for as many as you want - there are always a lot of entries so you need a fresh cuppa and a comfy chair if you do!

A wallhanging of a green tea towel with a circular icture of bright cottage garden flowers and 2025 dates underneath
Cottage Garden Calendar

What is happening In October 2024

BIG NEWS - I'm setting up a "Design your Own" space on the website - you can go there and design your own t shirt, sweatshirt, mug, jigsaw, bag....the list goes on.

I am learnig how to record my screen so I can help you do it - you can go and have a look and see if you can get around the menus. It's super fun to play with. You can either use your photos, drawings etc or you can use the Teemill pre-made texts and images.

You can design as many as you want before you commit to buy and I thought it would be a fun idea for a Christmas gift.

I'll email you when I've made the screen recordings and you can always email me if you get stuck.

the website page for with an arrow to the design your own section
Design Your Own section - click here

If you look closely at the menu you can see a new section called Hymns and Carols where I'm starting to upload some of my previous designs that have been inspired by the amazing songs we sing especially leading up to Christmas. I may change the title - let me know if you have a catchier one!

Do reply if you want have a chat about anything in the newsletters, it is so good to hear from you.  

Thank you for trusting me with your inbox,

Speak soon,


P.S. Do send me photos of anything Anthomania or tag me on Instagram :0D


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